Changing My Blog’s Name | Blog Announcement

There comes a time in some bloggers lives when they feel like the blog name they started with doesn’t fit them anymore. Whether they’re changing the direction of their blog or they simply outgrow their old blog name, they need to make changes to better suit them and their blogs.

For me this happened months back when I started to feel like my blog name did not reflect me or my blog anymore. I started The Bookish Thoughts of an Irrelevant Bookworm around 3 years ago when I was 17. I have changed a lot since then, as people do at that age. And as I have changed I don’t really connect with my current blog name anymore. (For instance, I don’t feel so irrelevant anymore. Though I’ll always remain a bookworm.) Hence, The Bookish Thoughts of an Irrelevant Bookworm has to go. In its place I will create a new blog name that is more relevant to the person and blogger I am now.

How to access my blog from now on:

Since I am not changing the URL of my blog, it can be accessed the same way as before through And all my blog posts and pages will remain intact. The only thing that will be different is my blog’s name and appearance.

Goodbye The Bookish Thoughts of an Irrelevant Bookworm:

Goodbye The Bookish Thoughts of an Irrelevant Bookworm. You sure were a mouthful, weren’t you?

Thank you to all my readers, silent or active, who have stuck with me. Talking with you awesome people about books is half the fun of reading.

I hope to see you lovelies back in my remodeled blog. And don’t forget to leave your beautiful thoughts in the comments. It is a huge joy hearing from you.

I will see you all very soon with more bookish thoughts. 🙂

Rosaline the Irrelevant Bookworm




6 thoughts on “Changing My Blog’s Name | Blog Announcement

  1. I completely agree that we all change and our blogs should reflect that… my 17 year old self is VERY different from who I am now 😛 Good luck with the change!

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